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Watch our video on our meeting in April 2018. So many good memories.

It’s a very big and modern school situated in the surroundings of Catania, but only ten minutes far from the city center.There are more than 1000 pupils from 3 to 13-14 and more than 100 teachers and staff. There is a big garden where pupils can have activities in their spare time or just have a break during the lessons.

From  the school windows pupils can see the majesty of the biggest European active volcano, Month Etna and the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea.

We have a lot of extra curricular activies such as drama, sport, foreign languages couses and dance.

 Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco of Catania- Italy

Transnational meeting In Turkey- October 2017


L’Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco di Catania partecipa al transnational meeting a Mersin- Turchia dal 7 al 12 ottobre 2017.

L’Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco ha partecipato insieme a dirigenti scolastici e docenti provenienti da Francia, Turchia, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, Danimarca e Italia al transnational meeting previsto dal progetto “Eurotour: Engage Explore Evolve” organizzato a Mersin, Turchia presso la scuola Inonu Ilkokulu.

Il progetto, appena avviato è finanziato dall’azione KA2 dei fondi europei Erasmus + e coinvolge i diversi paesi da diversi parti dell’Europa, con l’intento di sviluppare prioritariamente la tolleranza e il senso di appartenenza all’identità europea, anche attraverso la conoscenza di culture differenti dalla propria e delle tradizioni di altri paesi.

Al meeting hanno partecipato il Dirigente Scolastico, prof.ssa Valeria Alfia Pappalardo e la docente referente dei progetti Erasmus+ Lucia Rigano. L’incontro ha fornito ai paesi partecipanti l’opportunità di conoscere realtà culturali diverse e di pianificare le attività da svolgere durante la prima annualità del progetto.

The San Giovanni Bosco Comprehensive Institute of Catania will take part in the transnational meeting in Mersin-Turkey from 7 to 12 October 2017. The Istituto Comprensivo San Giovanni Bosco participated together with school leaders and teachers from France, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Denmark and Italy to the transnational meeting foreseen by the project "Eurotour: Engage Explore Evolve" organized in Mersin, Turkey at the school Inonu Ilkokulu. The project, which has just been launched, is financed by the KA2 action of the Erasmus + European funds and involves the various countries from different parts of Europe, with the aim of developing priority tolerance and a sense of belonging to the European identity, also through the knowledge of different cultures from one's own and the traditions of other countries. The meeting was attended by the Headmaster, Prof. Valeria Alfia Pappalardo and the lecturer in charge of Erasmus + Lucia Rigano projects. The meeting provided the participating countries with the opportunity to get to know different cultural realities and to plan the activities to be carried out during the first year of the project.


Published on the local newspaper La Sicilia and on the school website

LTT in Czech Republic-November 2017

Grazie al progetto Erasmus, la scuola che frequento, I.C.S San Giovanni Bosco, mi ha dato l’opportunità di trascorrere una settimana a Česká Lípa. L’esperienza è stata indimenticabile.

Sono partita il 18 Novembre 2017 insieme a tre professori: Catalda Battiato, Giuseppe Mirabella, Salvatore Pedi ed una mia coetanea di nome Elena. Sin dalla partenza, il viaggio si è rivelato emozionante. Infatti non era mai accaduto che io prendessi l’aereo all’alba.

Giunti a destinazione abbiamo visitato la meravigliosa Praga.

Successivamente io ed Elena siamo state ospitate da una famiglia composta da una coppia di insegnanti, molto giovani.

Con loro parlavo in inglese, come del resto con tutti quelli coinvolti nel progetto, cioè gli insegnanti e gli alunni di Česká Lípa e i docenti e gli allievi provenienti dagli altri Stati partecipanti.

Tutti mi hanno accolto con grande affetto.

Malgrado fossi distante dalla mia famiglia, in nessun momento, ho provato sconforto perché tutti si sono dimostrati gentili ed accoglienti. Ho conosciuto molti ragazzi della mia età. In modo particolare, ho legato con le ragazze francesi, con cui mi sento ancora oggi grazie all’applicazioni di Snapchat e Instagram.

Le giornate sono trascorse velocemente perché ricche di avvenimenti entusiasmanti. Ricordo con grande gioia la giornata trascorsa a Liberec, imbiancata dalla neve, la serata in discoteca nel corso della quale io ed Elena siamo state proclamate le ballerine più brave della serata, la visita al Municipio della città, al centro di stampa su tessuto, la partita di Hockey, le gare su Kahoot ed infine le serate in famiglia.

Al ritorno del viaggio, ho raccontato alla mia famiglia, che sentivo spesso durante i giorni di permanenza a Česká Lípa, ai miei compagni e ai miei professori i giorni fantastici che ho vissuto, mostrando loro le foto e i video del viaggio.

Mi sono divertita tanto. Ho anche scoperto e appreso meglio la lingua inglese parlata. É stata un’esperienza che farei di nuovo senza alcuna esitazione.

Ringrazio tanto la Preside, il corpo docente e la mia famiglia che hanno creduto in me. Senza la loro fiducia i meravigliosi ricordi di Česká Lípa non esisterebbero nel mio cuore.

Thanks to the Erasmus project, the school I attend, I.C.S San Giovanni Bosco, gave me the opportunity to spend a week in Česká Lípa. The experience was unforgettable. I left November 18, 2017 together with three professors: Catalda Battiato, Giuseppe Mirabella, Salvatore Pedi and one of my contemporaries named Elena. From the start, the journey turned out to be exciting. In fact it never happened that I took the plane at dawn. At our destination we visited the wonderful Prague. Then Elena and I were hosted by a family made up of a very young couple of teachers. With them I spoke in English, as well as with all those involved in the project, ie teachers and pupils of Česká Lípa and teachers and students from other participating States. Everyone welcomed me with great affection. Despite being away from my family, at no time, I felt depressed because everyone was kind and welcoming. I met many young people of my age. In particular, I tied up with French girls, with whom I still feel today thanks to the application of Snapchat and Instagram. The days passed quickly because they were full of exciting events. I remember with great joy the day spent in Liberec, bleached by snow, the disco night during which Elena and I were proclaimed the best dancers of the evening, the visit to the City Hall, to the fabric printing center, the Hockey match, the Kahoot races and finally family evenings. On the return journey, I told my family, that I often heard during the days spent in Česká Lípa, my classmates and my professors the fantastic days I experienced, showing them photos and videos of the trip. I enjoyed it so much. I also discovered and learned better the spoken English language. It was an experience that I would do again without any hesitation. I thank the Headmaster, the teaching staff and my family who have believed in me. Without their trust, the wonderful memories of Česká Lípa would not exist in my heart.

LTT Italy- April 2018

The last Learning Teaching and Training meeting was held in Catania from the 8th to the 13th April 2018. Delegations of students, Coordinators and teachers joined in Catania to develop the topic Marine Tourism.

Students and some teachers were hosted in families and this gave the chance to improve both learning and culture competences.

During the visit the students and teachers were involved in trips and educational workshop regarding the marine tourism: the flora and the animals of this habitat; some maritime old villages and Taormina which is a very famous touristic place linked to the sea.

It was a week rich of new experience for all the delegations hosted during this meeting. It was also the chance to organize and plan the next Learning Teaching and Training Meeting in Denmark in October 2018.

Marine Tourism- Catania

During the Learning Teaching and Training in Catania, students, Coordinators and teachers had the chance to live the sea and marine tourism. They visited an institution where students attend the culture of the sea, they went up some little ships and went to the seaside.

LTT- Workshop- Marine tourism

During the Learning Teaching and Training in Catania, students and teachers where distributed in 3 different workshop:

Animals and plants of the sea

Marine villages

Taormina and surroundings.

Teachers of the hosting schools prepared the documents, the posters and the picture that were studied and organized during the workshop. Some vplaces were visited during the LTT.


LTT- Denmark- October 2018


Danimarca- Copenaghen 7-12 ottobre 2018



we are Luna (Coco), Carlotta (Conti)  and Irene (Ingallina). We are three students of the I.C. “San Giovanni Bosco” in Catania, Italy.

Our school is involved in the “Eramus Project Eurotour: Engage, Evolve Explore” together with other European schools (France, Czech Republic, Turkey, Denmark) , from the 7th to the 12th of October we had the pleasure of spent a week in  Denmark with our Headmistress and teachers.

There we were hosted by wonderful families and thanks to them we lived a unique and unforgettable experience.


After we visited Milian and we stayed for the night in Bergamo, we went to Copenhagen. We arrived in Karlslunde, a town near Copenhagen, on Sunday and there we spent the morning at the shopping centre. We tasted a salty donut, a typical Danish fast food, it was so good.



On Monday we went to school by bike and there we attended a show performed by the students. Then, we visited the MOSEDE FORT, a museum where we listened to an explanation about the 1st World War from the Danish point of view. After that we attended a Biology lesson and we have to dissected a fish. It was interesting and funny, but poor fish! Finally, we came back home to spend some time with our host family.


 On Tuesday we went to Copenhagen by train. We visited Copenhagen by bike and we saw a lot of places, for example the Royal Palace of the Queen Margarethe II, the Kongens Have, the cemetery where the famous writer Andersen, Christiania, a community of indipendent peolpe, The Round Tower and the church of our savior, very high towers with wonderful views of Copenhagen. Late in the afternoon we had dinner at the “Nordhavn” restaurant, with a spectacular view.

                     The day after, we presented our school to all the other students and teachers and we listened to the presentations of the other schools, too. Then, we played some board games. In the afternoon we met together in a place where teenagers usually meet and play activities. Finally, we had a pizza and spent some time with other young people enjoying ourselves a lot.


On Thursday we took the bus for Roskilde, where we visited the Viking Museum and the cathedral.  In the evening we had dinner with our host families in an Italian restaurant.




On Friday it was the “Sport Day”; at first we listened to the presentation of Karlslunde by two Danish students and assisted to the farewell ceremony and then we made a run of 10 km in an hour. Finally, we said goodbye to everybody. In the afternoon, we had dinner and we went to the airport where we had to say goodbye to our host families and, it was a very moving moment.

We have to thank our teachers who have lived with us this wonderful experience and we hope some day we can go back to Denmark which we consider our “second home”.


Luna Coco

Carlotta Conti

Irene Ingallina

Erasmus Spirit Week- December 2017


 Dall’ 11 al 15 dicembre 2017, nelle scuole che partecipano  al Progetto Erasmus plus “ Eurotour Engage, Explore, Evolve”, si è svolta la simpaticissima Erasmus Spirit Week  ovvero la “ Settimana dello Spirito Erasmus” durante la quale, noi alunni della dovevamo vestirci in modi bizzarri, ogni giorno diversi.

Lunedi è stata la giornata dello sport -sport. Vi erano alunni con addosso una tuta e un paio di scarpe da tennis, altri che indossavano un simbolo che indicava il loro sport preferito, oppure altri che avevano indossato una maglia della loro squadra del cuore.

Martedi invece è stato il giorno del pigiama- pjyamas. Per noi alunni è stata la giornata più bella;  abbiamo mostrato ai nostri compagni di classe il nostro splendido pigiama e siamo stati comodi in classe con un abbigliamento morbido e comodo. Alcuni di noi  indossavano un pigiama natalizio, altri indossavano la vestaglia, altri addirittura sono venuti a scuola indossando  ai piedi le pantofole preferite!!

Mercoledi è stata la giornata dell’unico colore- colour. Ogni classe doveva scegliere un colore ed indossare tutti gli indumenti di quel colore. La cosa più bella è stata che anche i nostri insegnanti indossavano la maglietta di quel colore scelto insieme.

Giovedi, a coppie - twins, eravamo vestiti uguali, in quanto era il giorno dei gemelli. E’ stato bellissimo potersi sentire , anche se per un solo giorno,gemelli non di sangue, ma per scelta con il proprio migliore amico, anche soltanto indossando gli stessi vestiti

Infine venerdì era la giornata dei supereroi per i ragazzi e delle star di Hollywood per le  ragazze – heroes and superstars. I ragazzi erano vestiti con una maglietta da supereroe o con un mantello, le ragazze invece indossavano un vestito anni ’60, ed è stato concesso loro di poter truccarsi un po’.

Durante tutta la settimana abbiamo fatto: foto, cartelloni e bigliettini d’auguri da spedire nelle scuole dei paesi che partecipano con noi al progetto Erasmus plus Eurotour : Danimarca, Repubblica Ceca, Francia, Turchia, Ungheria.

E’ stata una settimana divertente e diversa dal solito, e speriamo di poter ritornare a scuola con il pigiama: eravamo comodissimi!!   

Alunne: Adamo Miriam e Allegra Vanessa

From 11 to 15 December 2017, in the schools participating in the Erasmus Plus project "Eurotour Engage, Explore, Evolve", the very nice Erasmus Spirit Week or the "Week of the Erasmus Spirit" took place during which we pupils had to get dressed in bizarre ways, every day different. Monday was sport day -port. There were students wearing a suit and a pair of tennis shoes, others wearing a symbol that indicated their favorite sport, or others wearing a shirt from their favorite team. Tuesday instead was the day of the pajamas- pjyamas. For us students it was the most beautiful day; we showed our classmates our beautiful pajamas and we were comfortable in class with soft and comfortable clothing. Some of us wore a Christmas pajamas, others wore a robe, others even came to school wearing their favorite slippers! Wednesday was the day of the only color-color. Each class had to choose a color and wear all the garments of that color. The best thing was that even our teachers wore the t-shirt of that color chosen together. Thursday, in pairs - twins, we were dressed alike, as it was the day of the twins. It was great to be able to feel, even if for a single day, twins not of blood, but for choice with your best friend, even if you were wearing the same clothes Finally Friday was the day of superheroes for boys and Hollywood stars for girls - heroes and superstars. The boys were dressed in a superhero shirt or a cape, while the girls wore a 60s dress, and they were allowed to wear a little make-up. Throughout the week we have done: photos, posters and greeting cards to be sent to schools in countries that participate with us in the Erasmus plus Eurotour project: Denmark, Czech Republic, France, Turkey, Hungary. It 'been a fun and different week from the usual, and we hope to return to school with pajamas: we were very comfortable !!

Pupils: Adamo Miriam and Allegra Vanessa

Spirit week 2017

Spirit week 2017









































Erasmus Spirit Week 2018

The Erasmus Spirit Week took place in December in the same countries, except Hungary for religious problem, at the same time and helped to to connect more the teams and create the link, it was a very festive moment and the opportunity to share, from a distance, common activites. During the LTT in Denmark, it was suggested that the Erasmus Spirit Week shall not only be about having fun and creating a good spirit in the school, but also generosity and sharing. A charity fair was held, thanks also to the contribution of the family help. Some cakes and desserts were sold and children collect some money to help disadvantaged students of the school.

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